Basin Temperature Modeling
Understanding Regional Temperature Variation
The MaxG cube provides a detailed, layer-based interpretation of formation temperature throughout the AOI. When used alone, it helps assess temperature trends within individual formations and across regions of the basin. The MaxBHT cube is a less interpretive product that uses the max bottom hole temperature within each 1000x1000x50ft cell to construct the cube. We provide two cubes comparing the MaxBHT and MaxG cubes; the MaxExtrusion and MaxDifferent cubes. Detailed formation grids are generated, which are integral in drilling planning.
Enhancing Exploration Success
These large-scale temperature models, built by the industry's most extensive subsurface data library, are designed to enhance exploration success significantly. We have developed the MaxG methodology for generating consistent 3D Basin Temperature Models using our vast data library, delivered in industry standard SEG-Y format for easy integration and versatile use.
Unlike other methods, our MaxG method calibrates the interval geothermal gradient models to the maximum of the layer bottom hole temperature data. It incorporates lithofacies variations to provide a more efficient and cost-effective solution.
- Indexed and QC’d BHTs, mud weight, elevation data, and Time Since Circulation values for approximately 10,000 logs
- A consistent set of litho-stratigraphic picks for 2,000-5,000 wells
- Depth and temperature grids for each litho-stratigraphic surface
- 4 temperature volumes for the basin in SEG-Y format
- BTM report and Tops report
- Quality Assurance – All data has been validated by our technical specialists and integrated with our advanced interpretation techniques.
- Saves Time – An easy-to-load Basin Temperature Model that affords Geoscientists more time to evaluate the basin and spend less time managing data.
- Saves Money – Provides better value for money than purchasing each element separately.
- Easy to Use – Delivered in industry standard formats allowing ease of loading into any software.