Latin America
Latin America holds some of the world’s largest reserves of oil, with many countries in the region supplying their products to a global market. TGS follows regional and country market trends and business environments when seeking out new opportunities for investment. The TGS exploration programs are most often built around country specific licensing rounds and are designed to provide regional geological understanding.

Mexican GoM
Learn more about the data offerings and insights we have in Mexico, including
2D seismic data, multibeam and geochemistry data.

Learn more about the data offerings and insights we have in Brazil, including extensive 2D and 3D data coverage for the Permanent Offer Round.

Learn more about the data offerings and insights we have in Suriname including
2D and 3D data with both deep and shallow water coverage.

Learn more about the data offerings and insights we have in Uruguay including
3D repro data, 2D SPAN and repro data, and more.
Data Library
Search our interactive map portal to see the industry-leading subsurface data we offer in Latin America. View available data types, projects and deliverables in your areas of interest.

Offshore Brazil Open Bid Rounds
With over 649,000 kilometers in 2D multi-client data and ~270,900 square kilometers in 3D multi-client data in Brazil, our seismic data covers every basin, sector and block offshore Brazil in the upcoming bid round cycles.
2023-2024 Shallow Water Bid Round Offshore Suriname
Staatsolie Hydrocarbon Institute initiated a competitive bidding process for eleven new offshore blocks in Suriname. Positioned between the deepwater discoveries to the south and the onshore oilfields to the north, these areas offer significant exploration potential. Our comprehensive data coverage of the available acreage aims to enhance understanding and unlock opportunities.

Trinidad and Tobago 2023 Shallow Water Competitive Bidding Round
The Government of Trinidad and Tobago is inviting stakeholders to participate in its 2023 Shallow Water Competitive Bidding, which includes 13 offshore blocks along Trinidad and Tobago's western, eastern, southern and northern coasts. We offer high-quality 2D seismic and well data to enhance geological understanding of the area and enable E&P companies to maximize the potential for shallow water discoveries in a prolific exploration territory.
Subsurface Interpretation
For the Geoscientist who needs regional subsurface knowledge, TGS’ multi-disciplinary Geoscience Interpretation group has consistently delivered best-in-class multi-client, basin-wide studies to the industry for over 20 years to reduce the risk, time and cost of the exploration-cycle.