Governance, Compliance and Reporting
When it comes to corporate governance, we believe that strong leadership and transparency is necessary to successfully incorporate and promote sustainability within the company and our industry.
Sustainability Reporting
Whether financial or non-financial, it is our commitment to deliver a holistic view of corporate performance so stakeholders have the information they need to make informed decisions. The following links provide information and reports related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts, achievements and ambitions.
Corporate Governance
TGS' leadership team, led by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kristian Johansen, implements all Board resolutions and supervises all management levels at TGS.

Ethics & Compliance
We will comply with applicable laws and act in an ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible manner in all of TGS’ operations. We make business choices and decisions every day, and it is imperative for us to maintain our commitment to act responsibly and with integrity. The Code of Conduct is a statement of our expectations and requirements for ethical conduct.
In accordance with TGS’ Code of Conduct and Statement of Values, TGS expects that its suppliers, vendors, and contractors uphold the highest standard of business ethics, transparency and sustainability, and be committed to the principles set forth in TGS’ Supplier Code of Conduct
In accordance with TGS’ Code of Conduct and Statement of Values, TGS expects that its suppliers, vendors, and contractors uphold the highest standard of business ethics, transparency and sustainability and be committed to the principles set forth in TGS’ Supplier Code of Conduct.
TGS is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. TGS’ Compliance hotline, maintained through a third-party provider, is one way for our employees and our stakeholders to report, anonymously if they so choose, any instance where they believe our Code of Conduct or other policies have been violated.